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Leaders Workshop

Practical sessions with the world's top talent leaders. Closed door, exclusive, topical, practical and private.
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LinkedIn Live Event


Leaders Workshop

Dive into authentic talent branding to reveal the secrets to crafting a magnetic brand through employee video content.
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LinkedIn Live Event


Leaders Workshop

The latest on content, AI and high touch candidate journeys
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LinkedIn Live Event


Leaders Workshop

8 months of research and 500+ KPIs come together to deep dive into the state of KPIs in TA, EB, and talent marketing.
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LinkedIn Live Event


Leaders Workshop

Don’t just attract top talent, learn how to nurture, develop, and retain your valuable employees throughout 2024.
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LinkedIn Live Event


Leaders Workshop

Support layoffs and restructures through retention and a culture-building mindset.
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LinkedIn Live Event


Leaders Workshop

Discover how to strategically leverage and measure your KPIs to measure and optimize Employer Branding efforts.
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LinkedIn Live Event


Leaders Workshop

Prioritize employee experience and encourage organic employee advocacy.
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LinkedIn Live Event


Leaders Workshop

Plan content for ‘International Day of Persons with a Disability' and ‘International Volunteer’s Day’ in December.
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Stand Out In Your Hiring Jungle
With AI-Powered Content & Retention

Transform your hiring and retention with the world’s only AI-powered Content and Advocacy Platform
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A hiring jungle

Hire and Retain Critical Talent With AI-Powered Content and Advocacy

Stand out in your hiring jungle with the only enteprise AI platform for scaling content and advocacy aimed at talent
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