Stand Out In Your Hiring Jungle With AI-Powered...... Enterprise Talent Marketing

The world’s only Content and Advocacy Platform for Employer Brands. Uniquely connects with talent at personalised scale. Plus: it's the safest AI for enterprise.
Employee Video & Text collection
Employee Advocacy Programs
Job Description Generation
Recruiting Team Content
Trusted by the world's top talent brands:

Stand Out
In Your Hiring Jungle With AIPowered... Enterprise Talent Marketing

The world’s only Content and Advocacy Platform for Employer Brands. Uniquely connects with talent at personalised scale. Plus: it's the safest AI for enterprise.
Employee Video & Text Collection
Employee Advocacy Programs
Job Description Generation
Recruiting Team Content Enablement
Trusted by the world's top talent brands:
Trusted by the world’s top brands:
Logos from some of the top talent brands in the world
Trusted by world-class brands:
The Martec customer logosThe Martec customer logosThe Martec customer logos

Gather Authentic Videos And Copy From Employees – At Scale

Use AI scale your written and video employee stories: find your most influential employees, prompt them with questions and maintain their quotes in the final output. AI isn't a replacement – it's a human enabler.
David Phillips, Recruitment Marketing Director, CGI
David Phillips
Recruitment Marketing Director, CGI
“One of the best finds of my career. Intrinsic to our recruitment marketing strategy."
Watch 2 Min Video
An employee advocacy dashboard being used to find the best employees that will reach target talentA cursor representing a talent acquisition userA cursor representing an employer branding user
Train Your Own AI:
The last writer you'll ever train. Your AI improves with your edits, best content, and brand.
A custom AI model that learns the more a talent branding team uses The Martec platform


The AI finds your best employees, asks the right questions, and accelerates copy efficiency




Scaling authentic content using AIScaling authentic content using AI
Scale Every Type Of Authentic Content:

Employee videos

Leadership Comms

Technical Blogs

Job Descriptions

Employee Social Posts

Recruiter Enablement

Careers Site Content

Activate Your Top Employee Influencers On Social – At Scale

Power your advocacy program at scale. Know which employees will reach critical talent – then generate copy, prompt sharing and track performance.
A screenshot of an AI-powered platform for enterprise employee advocacyA cursor representing a Talent Acquisition professional using AI powered content and advocacyA cursor representing a Talent Acquisition professional using AI powered content and advocacyA cursor representing a HR professional using AI powered content and advocacyA cursor representing a HR professional using AI powered content and advocacy
A custom AI model that learns the more a talent branding team uses The Martec platform


The AI finds you advocates, writes social copy, and shares across your channels




LinkedIn logo
Microsoft Teams Logo
A hiring jungle


A monkey dressed as a highly skilled specialist critical talent segement


Connect with experts without being one.


Leadership comms, internal advocacy.


Relate to talent no matter their identity.

A panda representing global critical talent enterprise brands critically need


Translation and regional content personalisation.


From retail staff to seasonal needs.


Find and activate your future leaders.

All You Need To Create:

Replace multiple content creation tools. Simplify & save:
An icon representing The Martec's AI powered employee video content platform
Gather Employee Videos:
Collect video from employees most likely to reach target talent.
Watch Instant 6 Min Demo
Read about Employee Video >
An icon representing The Martec's employee written content AI-powered platform
Gather Employee Writing:
AI-collected employee writing loved by tech employees and leadership.
Watch Instant 5 Min Demo
Read about Employee Writing >
An icon representing The Martec's AI-powered job description and advert platform
Generate Job Descriptions:
Write like you’re an expert – relevant copy that converts target talent.
Watch Instant 3 Min Demo
Read about AI Job Descriptions >

All You Need To Distribute:

Better reach, social proof and 24/7 content delivery:
An icon representing The Martec's AI-powered employee advocacy platform for enteprise talent brands
Employee Social Sharing:
Find your best employees to reach target talent and prompt social sharing.
Watch Instant 4 Min Demo
Read about Employee Advocacy >
An icon representing The Martec's AI-powered career site conversation widgets platform for personalized employee written and video content
Personalize Career Sites:
Widgets and embeds for career sites and job listing pages.
Watch Instant 6 Min Demo
Read about Online Conversion >
An icon representing The Martec's AI-powered recruiter enablement platform
Content For Recruiters:
Feed your recruiters content that engages talent.
Watch Instant 6 Min Demo
Read about Recruiter Content >

Enterprise: Top Customer Success, And The Safest AI

From custom AI models to enterprise deployment — we help both small and large social and talent teams.
Extension Of Your Team
The most experienced Strategy and Success team in the market.
On-Brand Copy
AI model control including tone of voice, EVP pillars & brand.
Single Content Hub
Run global strategy from one content hub, with regional personalization.
An icon representing how the platform allows sections of our AI-powered job description app to be locked
Handles Legal Stuff
Lock job descriptions copy to meet  legal requirements.
Regular Reports
Reports presented to your teams quarterly, regular workshops.
Instant Content Plans
Create 1 year of content planning in 1 hour. Enormous time savings.

Integrate With Your Existing Investments

Improve your existing tools. For example: plug into Microsoft Teams to scale your advocacy program with AI.
A screenshot of The Martec's AI-powered job description integration with SmartRecruiters
The Microsoft Teams logo integrating with The Martec's OurVoice app
Scale Your Global Advocacy Program with AI in Teams
SmartRecruiters integration with The Martec
Generate AI-Powered Job Descriptions in SmartVault
Unified access management, seamless provisioning, advanced authentication.
Data privacy and compliance to meet GDPR standards.
Recognized internationally as the gold standard certification
Access Logs
Detect threads, investigate incidents, and meet compliance requirements.
A lion dressed as a critical segment engineer that a global enteprise brand would need in high scale and priority

Book Your Demo Today:

A hiring jungle